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Erja Lyytinen

Fredag 6 september 2024 kl 19.00

Erja Lyytinen

Erja Lyytinen is one of the leading blues-rock guitarists on the international touring circuit

During a recording career spanning 20 years, the High-Flying Finn has released twelve studio albums as well as several live albums. Lyytinen’s musical pallet is vast, encompassing the very best of contemporary blues-rock whilst inspired and influenced by the blues greats of yore.


The artist’s last studio album Waiting for the Daylight was released in 2022 and was ranked #3 on Finland´s Official Physical Album Charts and #14 on the IBBA October Charts in the UK. After that Lyytinen has released live album ”Diamonds On The Road” that has received magnificent reviews in global music media.


The first single released from Erja's latest studio offering, Bad Seed was chosen as the 13th Best Rock Song of the year by Classic Rock Magazine. Furthermore, Lyytinen’s guitar solo from “Bad Seed” reached 10th place in Guitar World’s Best guitar solo of 2022 reader's poll.

Lyytinen has been acknowledged for her work by her fans, peers, and the industry alike with a treasure trove of accolades. This includes being ranked #2 on Total Guitar Magazine’s “10 Best Guitarists Now” poll as well as being awarded “Best Guitarist” at the 2017 European Blues Awards.

Ca 1 tim 30 min. Ej paus.

Köp din biljett!

Fredag 6 september 2024
Kl. 19.00

Biljetter Ticketmaster


Alla våra lokaler är handikappanpassade. Säkerställ att du väljer en rullstolsplats när du köper din biljett, då dessa finns i begränsat antal i salongen. Du kan enklast boka det i biljettsystemen alternativt ringer du Biljettkassan 08–523 030 80, måndag–fredag mellan kl. 13.00 – 15.00.

På Estrad har vi rullstolsplatser på rad ett och rad tio. Till rad tio finns en trapphiss som tar max 220 kg i totalvikt. Om totalvikten överskrider maxvikten så hänvisar vi till de anpassade platserna på rad ett i salongen.

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